Julie Baikie

Coming from Europe, where it is a ‘given’ that ancestors & indigenous peoples’ knowledge, culture, humanity are recognised, revered and often an integral part or the weave and weft of everyday life I found, on moving to live in Australia in the 90s, the attitude, actions and disrespect towards Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, Australia’s First Nations population extremely saddening, baffling, confusing, concerning and hugely discriminatory.

I will be voting yes on 14th October not just because I think it’s the right thing to do but because giving Australia’s First Nation people a Voice is overdue by at least 177 years. Why 177 years? Well that would be 1846 when Queen Victoria received the first petition from First Nation people - the first of many to be presented to royalty, statesmen/women and upholders of the law since then.

So now it’s time to loudly applaud the enormous task of consulting, collaborating, collating and co-designing the Uluru Statement from the Heart, acknowledge and honour the intention and recommendations and take action to change the Constitution (ensuring it is set in law and can’t be changed by any ‘other government’ ) recognising that First Nations people were here first and that they have an inherent right to consider, consult, comment and advise on issues and policies which will directly effect their communities lives and livelihoods.

Let’s get on with it and make this happen, it is so long overdue.

Julie Baikie


Kenny Duke


Fiona Stager